testPRO Grade 3


testPRO Grade 3

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $129.00.

Are you STRESSED about having to teach a dual curriculum?


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  • Description

Product Description

“…the rhetoric of ‘standards’ is turning schools into giant test-prep centers, effectively closing off intellectual inquiry and undermining enthusiasm for learning (and teaching).”

Alfie Kohn


In response to these and many other concerns, we have developing an exciting new line of resources to improve test preparation.  This range of products will work in conjunction with our Morning Routines.

We will provide you with a manageable and effective strategy as well as the necessary materials to handle test preparation successfully and with confidence.  These resources will:

  • integrate test preparation into the curriculum,
  • allow test preparation to become a worthwhile part of the
    learning process,
  • eliminate useless cramming, and
  • avoid harmful breaks in instruction.

In the current climate of widespread standardized testing and results-based accountability, these resources will be a life saver!